Boho Crystal BindiHome>Shop All Products>Indian Bindis | Bindi Jewels | Face Bindis | Rhinestone bindis>Boho Crystal BindiBoho Crystal Bindi$4.00Use crystal bindis for decorative purpose or boho style statement.In stock Boho Crystal Bindi quantity Add to cart Category: Indian Bindis | Bindi Jewels | Face Bindis | Rhinestone bindisShare000 Description Use crystal bindis for decorative purpose or boho style statement.You may also like $4.00Add to cart Red Gold Belly Crystal Bindi Indian Bindis | Bindi Jewels | Face Bindis | Rhinestone bindis Use crystal bindis for decorative purpose or boho style statement. $4.00 $4.00Add to cart $4.00Add to cart Turquoise Silver Belly Crystal Bindi Indian Bindis | Bindi Jewels | Face Bindis | Rhinestone bindis Use crystal bindis/stick ons for decorative purpose or boho style statement. $4.00 $4.00Add to cart $5.00Add to cart Mystical Moon Crystal Bindi Indian Bindis | Bindi Jewels | Face Bindis | Rhinestone bindis Use crystal bindis for decorative purpose or a boho style statement. $5.00 $5.00Add to cart $3.00Add to cart Black Gold Belly Crystal Bindi Indian Bindis | Bindi Jewels | Face Bindis | Rhinestone bindis Use crystal bindis for decorative purpose or boho style statement. $3.00 $3.00Add to cart